Managing discrimination in the workplace is usually vital. Gone are the days when employers had the rights to deny prospective employees their benefits or rights for reason of age, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender, race, disability or other discriminative grounds.

Gone are the days when employers had the rights to deny prospective employees their benefits

Have you or anyone you know experienced any form of employment discrimination? If you would answer “yes” to any of the questions below, call us right away.

■ Did your boss develop a negative attitude right after you filed or lodged a complaint?
■ Did your boss exhibit an unpleasant attitude right after you informed him/her that you were pregnant?
■ Were you demoted or denied leave or promotion shortly after you lodged a discrimination complaint?
■ Do you endure racial slurs on the job almost every day or too frequently to be tolerable?
■ Do you endure age-related comments on the job almost every day or too frequently to be tolerable?
■ Did you ask to take time off to attend to your medical needs or a relative’s medical needs and are denied the request or not denied but were given an ultimatum?
■ Do you do the same work as people of different sex but are paid much less?
■ Do you feel singled out on your job because of your sex, age, or race?
■ Do you endure offensive sexual comments on the job almost every day or too frequently to be tolerable?
■ Were your job duties taken away or significantly reduced shortly after you filed a discrimination complaint?
■ Were you denied a promotion on the job because of your age, race or sex?
■ Did you begin to experience hostility on the job after you had shunned your supervisor’s sexual advances?
■ Were you rejected or refused service at a restaurant or retail environment based on your race?

Employment Discrimination

Employment Discrimination is based on age, race, sex, color, disability, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, and pregnancy. There are also other related laws:

Call us right away to receive details before you call your Human Resource Manager or anyone in management. You may be taking a big risk.

Specializing Attorneys on this Area

Anne Gbenjo

Principal Partner

Wayne Jones

Senior Associate

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